
My photo
仙台市, 宮城県, Japan
I bird! Mainly in and around Sendai.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Class

Starting this December, we are offering afternoon classes for kids (ages 4-6) and parents. Kids will learn basic English words and phrases, while singing songs and listening to stories. Parents can learn easy English and correct pronunciation so that they can practice with their children at home. Everyone can gain confidence and have fun together.

So...Why do parents need to speak English?

Kids need more English practice that once a week. Hearing a bedtime story in English from mom or dad, or practicing vocabulary in the grocery store or park is a great way to reinforce what they learn in class. If they practice a little bit at home, they will feel more confident and comfortable in class. They will remember better, and learn more quickly. English is not just for "English schools." It is something that must be practiced and incorporated into everyday life.

Many moms or dads say, "But I can't speak English!" But actually they all know things like colors, numbers, or animals.They don't need advanced English skills or perfect pronunciation or grammar to say a few phrases to their kids.

I want to provide a warm, fun environment for children and their parents, so that they enjoy speaking English, rather that think that it is a chore or "subject" to study.

Any questions? Check: http://www.innocence-plus.com/kidsandmoms
or feel free to call us!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Have a Cornucopia! (It's too early for Christmas.)

In Japan, the day after Halloween, shops put up their Christmas decor. It's too early for Christmas!!

In America, people and shops don't really decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday of November in America. So in November, people stick with fall-themed decorations, such as autumn leaves, pumpkins, and gourds. Some people have a fall wreath on their door, or a centerpiece on the table. Indian corn is also a popular decoration. After Thanksgiving people pull out the Christmas stuff and start playing Christmas music.

 *Keep in mind, this is just American me. Canada, Australia, England, and others surely have different traditions. Even in America, I know one family that keeps their Christmas tree up ALL YEAR. Some people are always in the holiday mood...

On to the pictures!

Gourds! These are in Japan too. There are many colors, sizes, and textures. I like lumpy ones.

Indian corn. It's used as decoration- no one eats it. The colors are very nice for fall.

Finally...the CORNUCOPIA!! Or "horn of plenty." A symbol of abundance and fall harvest, this is filled with fruit, nuts, or sometimes flowers. It's been around since Greek/Roman antiquity.

Here's one more, because they're so cool!